Ready Together - Pirac

Ready Together Program

The READY Together program aims to strengthen the emergency preparedness and response capacities of the Caribbean territories through a three-level approach: institutions and emergency actors, economic actors and local populations.


 The Caribbean is one of the regions most exposed to the risks of seismic, volcanic and meteorological disasters and climate change. 

The 6th IPCC report foresees small island in the Caribbean sea will face more intense but generally fewer hurricanes. The report warns on the sea levels rising around small island, that will cause shorelines to retreat and, coupled with storms, will exacerbate coastal flooding. In the Caribbean, a decrease in rainfall is expected in the coming decades as well as a warming climate which will result in severe droughts. 

The impacts on Caribbean populations and territories are exacerbated by social, economic and environmental vulnerability factors, limited preparedness and response capacities, and a risk culture that needs to be strengthened.


  • Antigua & Barbuda
  • Dominica
  • Guadeloupe
  • French Guiana
  • Haïti
  • Martinique
  • Saint Lucia
  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines


The READY Together programme aims to strengthen the emergency preparedness and response capacities of the Caribbean territories through a three-level approach: institutions and emergency actors, economic actors and local populations.

This integrated approach is intended to be inclusive and coordinated to ensure that the needs of the most vulnerable are met. It aims to strengthen regional cooperation in a Caribbean united in its diversity.


The READY Together programme focuses on 5 main axis: 

  • Supporting regional coordination mechanisms
  • Capacity building of National Red Cross 
  • Resilience of economic actors 
  • Awareness of natural risks and climate change adaptation
  • Research and innovation



“The climate is changing, and you?” advocating for climate change adaptation initiatives

“The climate is changing, and you?” advocating for climate change adaptation initiatives

Climate change : Sea Level Rise

Climate change : Sea Level Rise

Developing aquaponics in an urban environment

Developing aquaponics in an urban environment

Eliminating breeding site in a flood-prone area at Paget Farm

Eliminating breeding site in a flood-prone area at Paget Farm

Restoring the Ashton Lagoon mangroves

Restoring the Ashton Lagoon mangroves

Developing a climate-smart farm

Developing a climate-smart farm

Revegetating the banks of “Fond” River

Revegetating the banks of “Fond” River

Restoring corals in Labrelotte Bay

Restoring corals in Labrelotte Bay

Preserving the forest and biodiversity of Chatham Bay

Preserving the forest and biodiversity of Chatham Bay

Revagetating the banks of Lézarde river

Revagetating the banks of Lézarde river

Converting a savannah into a creole garden

Converting a savannah into a creole garden

Brochure – Awareness Campaign “The climate is changing…and you?”

Brochure – Awareness Campaign “The climate is changing…and you?”

Ready Together 2022 key results

Ready Together 2022 key results

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – READY Together

The International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women – READY Together

COP27 : Act on climate change in the Caribbean

COP27 : Act on climate change in the Caribbean

6 ways to prevent violence and abuse around you

6 ways to prevent violence and abuse around you

Climate change : increase in flood events

Climate change : increase in flood events

Climate change : specific vulnerabilities

Climate change : specific vulnerabilities

Climate change : early warning, early action

Climate change : early warning, early action

Climate change : increase in hurricane and  tropical storms intensity

Climate change : increase in hurricane and tropical storms intensity

Climate change : adaptation and mitigation

Climate change : adaptation and mitigation

Climate change : impacts and solutions

Climate change : impacts and solutions

Climate change : call to action

Climate change : call to action

Changement climatique : hausse des températures

Changement climatique : hausse des températures

Climate change : increase in periods of heat & droughts

Climate change : increase in periods of heat & droughts

8 ways to get prepared for the Hurricane season

8 ways to get prepared for the Hurricane season

6 measures to take if you are advised to evacuate during Hurricane season

6 measures to take if you are advised to evacuate during Hurricane season

9 ways to take action within 24h of hurricane

9 ways to take action within 24h of hurricane

12 ways to get prepared for hurricane season

12 ways to get prepared for hurricane season

Volcanic eruption: protect yourself with a mask

Volcanic eruption: protect yourself with a mask

Protect children from volcanic ash

Protect children from volcanic ash

Protect yourself from Lahars

Protect yourself from Lahars

Protect yourself from volcanic ash indoors

Protect yourself from volcanic ash indoors

Protect yourself from volcanic gases

Protect yourself from volcanic gases

How to avoid the effects of volcanic gases

How to avoid the effects of volcanic gases

Prevent the health effects of volcanic ash

Prevent the health effects of volcanic ash

Prepare for evacuation during volcanic eruption

Prepare for evacuation during volcanic eruption

Protect yourself during a volcanic eruption

Protect yourself during a volcanic eruption

Adapt your eating & drinking habits

Adapt your eating & drinking habits

Practice sustainable family gardening

Practice sustainable family gardening

Minimise outdoor water usage

Minimise outdoor water usage

Minimise indoor water usage

Minimise indoor water usage

6 ways to stockpile essential food and water

6 ways to stockpile essential food and water

Clean your home and prevent water-borne diseases

Clean your home and prevent water-borne diseases

8 ways to protect yourself and others during floods

8 ways to protect yourself and others during floods

6 things to do during floods

6 things to do during floods

Protect your home from flooding

Protect your home from flooding

Do you know your flood risk ?

Do you know your flood risk ?

10 things to do when the shaking stops

10 things to do when the shaking stops

Take immediate action during an earthquake

Take immediate action during an earthquake

11 ways to get prepared for an earthquake

11 ways to get prepared for an earthquake

Prepare for evacuation for the hurricane

Prepare for evacuation for the hurricane

Monitor weather & warnings for hurricanes

Monitor weather & warnings for hurricanes

Key results of the READY Together programme at mid-term July 2021

Key results of the READY Together programme at mid-term July 2021

Business Disaster Preparedness Tool – Hurricane Edition

Business Disaster Preparedness Tool – Hurricane Edition

Infography of Business disaster preparedness in the caribbean

Infography of Business disaster preparedness in the caribbean

Business Disaster – Preparedness Tool – Earthquake Risk

Business Disaster – Preparedness Tool – Earthquake Risk

Our partners on this programme