Archives des Awareness-raising tools - Page 2 of 6 - Pirac
Protect yourself from Lahars

Protect yourself from Lahars

⚠️ Following an explosive volcanic eruption, one of the risks incurred is a mudflow known as a “lahar”. ? This flow is made up of a mixture of water and volcanic rocky material and debris, which rushes down the volcano’s slopes at very high speed and...
Protect yourself from volcanic ash indoors

Protect yourself from volcanic ash indoors

Prevent ashes from entering and accumulating inside your home ? Close all openings in your home ⚠️ Caulk vents with plastic sheeting or a cloth 1️⃣ Use only one entrance to come and go. ? ? Keep pets indoors; if they must go outside, brush them when they return,...
Protect yourself from volcanic gases

Protect yourself from volcanic gases

Protect yourself from volcanic gases and acid rain Following an explosive volcanic eruption, volcanic gases can be released into the atmosphere for several months, causing localized acid rain and downstream air pollution. Health effects vary according to the nature...
How to avoid the effects of volcanic gases

How to avoid the effects of volcanic gases

⚠️ Short-term exposure to volcanic gases may cause: ✅ Irritation of the nose, throat, eyes or skin. ✅ coughing and/or mucus production ✅ a feeling of tightness or irritation in the chest or lungs ✅ Shortness of breath, hyperventilation ✅ Headaches ✅ fatigue and/or...
Prevent the health effects of volcanic ash

Prevent the health effects of volcanic ash

Prevent the health effects of volcanic ash by knowing the risks involved: ⚠️ Fresh ash is potentially acidic and abrasive. ⚠️ Short-term exposure may cause respiratory problems, eye symptoms or skin irritation. ⚠️ People with pre-existing chest problems may develop...