⚠️ Following an explosive volcanic eruption, one of the risks incurred is a mudflow known as a “lahar”.
? This flow is made up of a mixture of water and volcanic rocky material and debris, which rushes down the volcano’s slopes at very high speed and spills into the river valleys.
? Lahars are very dangerous and extremely destructive, particularly in the event of heavy rainfall.
? They can carry away anything in their path, including buildings and bridges, and can travel great distances.
⚠️ Stay tuned to your local emergency radio station for weather warnings concerning the volcano area or the area you’re in
⚠️ Inform your neighbors of the danger and evacuate if instructed to do so.
⚠️ Remember that lahars can occur months or even years after the volcano has erupted.
⛈️ In the event of a heavy rain alert:
⚠️Restez stay away from streams, rivers, flood-prone areas or areas likely to be affected by landslides
⚠️Don’t try to cross the river valleys: even if you run, the lahars progress much faster than you do.
? Evacuate the area if you hear a rumble, or if local authorities instruct you to do so
⏫ If you don’t have enough time to evacuate, get to higher ground in the area you’re in