The climate is changing... and you? : Discover the Ready Together awareness campaign - Pirac

The climate is changing… and you? : Discover the Ready Together awareness campaign

20 October 2022

An awareness campaign on the impacts of climate change in the Caribbean and the promotion of adaptation solutions was conducted around the International Day for Risk Reduction, from the 6th to the 19th of October.

A 100% digital campaign

Awareness-raising messages in French and English were disseminated on social networks through various animated posts to increase people’s resilience to the harmful effects of climate-related risks. Indeed, social networks are an easy way to access messages and spread them around. Through this campaign, the objective was to show that each citizen can act at his or her own level to face climate change effects. To adapt, solutions are possible on a local scale: the Caribbean is full of concrete initiatives that can be deployed according to the problems encountered.

Several themes addressed

The campaign addressed several specific topics according to the risks accentuated by the effects of climate change in the region. Discover the different messages 

The campaign ended with a specific message on a call to action as everyone can be part of the solution.

These 10 campaign messages are available for any institution, association, school or humanitarian actor who would like to reuse these messages to improve the resilience of the people to be reached

Although these messages have been defined to respond to the problems of the Caribbean region, they can be used and adapted to other territories.

To face climate change, everyone can act 

The solutions to climate change exist! Each of our actions, whether small or large, has an impact. Depending on our family environment, professional life, individual life, role as a citizen…WE ALL HAVE A ROLE TO PLAY!

PIRAC would like to thank all its partners who have participated or are still participating in the campaign by spreading the prevention messages on their social networks or directly to their beneficiaries.

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We invite you to join us on social networks to follow our latest activities.

The animated posts and downloadable visuals

If you wish to share these visuals to raise awareness, do not hesitate to use them.

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