Paré, pa Paré
A program to prepare for natural hazards and build resilience in Guadeloupe

Since 2018, the French Red Cross has been involved in actions that aim to strengthen the risk culture among the Guadeloupean population in partnership with institutional actors of risk management of the territory and education.
The Paré pa Paré project centralizes the activities of the French Red Cross in terms of awareness and education on natural hazards within schools and towards the general public. The emblem of the project called Vigilou, chosen for its level of resistance and adaptation to its environment and to natural risks, is the carrier of prevention messages.
Within the colleges and high schools, and this since the 2019-2020 school year, 5,411 students have been able to be sensitized in awareness sessions with the DEAL earthquake simulator.
Started in 2020 and lasting 32 months the key figures of the project Paré pa Paré are as follows:

1,2 million euros (2020 - 2022)

5000 people sensitized

1000 students reached
Among the key activities of the Paré pa Paré project are
The introduction of educational kits developed by the Paré pa Paré team on the risks, phenomena and preventive measures, both family and collective, for primary, middle and high school students via the training of teachers, the project’s relays in the school setting
The elaboration of original tools adapted to the public with specific vulnerabilities aiming at the sensitization of the whole Guadeloupean population to the natural risks and to the means to prepare and protect oneself from them
The territory targeted by the project is Guadeloupe (Grande-Terre and Basse-Terre) as well as the dependencies among which Désirade, Saintes and Marie-Galante.
The key objective of the project is to reduce the vulnerability of the Guadeloupean population (students, families, public with specific vulnerabilities) to natural hazards as well as to sensitize the Guadeloupean population to the adaptation to climate change by raising awareness and promoting adapted behaviors, by mobilizing original educational approaches based on extended partnerships.
To do this, the project aims to :
- support risk prevention actors in the dissemination of information on natural hazards as well as on adaptation to climate change to the general public;
- Contribute to raising the theme of risk reduction and adaptation to climate change as an educational priority in the territory;
- To raise awareness among families, the general public and vulnerable individuals of the 6 natural hazards to which the population is exposed and the measures to be taken to protect themselves