Broadcasting of a regional awareness campaign - Pirac


Introducing PIRAC

The Caribbean is one of the regions of the world most exposed to the risk of natural disasters: hurricanes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, floods and tsunamis. The region is also characterized by high health risks linked to epidemic diseases. These major risks are exacerbated by a number of factors that make populations and territories vulnerable: insularity, socio-economic fragility, complex migratory flows, high urban densification and pressure. In addition, the risk of crises and disasters is heightened by climate change, which influences the frequency, intensity and unpredictability of hazards, requiring populations and institutions to make sustained efforts to adapt.

Created in 2005, the Plateforme d’Intervention Régionale Amériques Caraïbes (PIRAC) is the representative delegation of the French Red Cross for the Caribbean region, and represents its operational mechanism for humanitarian action and regional cooperation. PIRAC comes to the aid of Caribbean populations in the event of major disasters, and works to develop actions to strengthen the resilience of populations in the French countries and territories of the Caribbean arc and the Guyana Plateau. Since its creation, PIRAC has also deployed some forty emergency operations, both internationally and in France.

Consultancy offer

The Ready 360/3 Oceans phase 2 began in January 2024. It aims to build a global and greener resilience of Caribbean territories by strenghtening disaster preparedness and response capacities at all levels : from the individual and familly level, to that of organisations and businesses, up to the level of regional institutional coordination of risk management.

One of the main outcomes of the Ready 360° program is to raise awareness of disaster risks and the effects of climate change in the Caribbean through a regional public awareness campaign. The campaign focuses on the role of citizens in their own preparedness and safety. Messages cover a wide range of topics and are disseminated on a large scale via a variety of media supports.

PIRAC is looking for a service provider or a team of service providers* to maximize the visibility of the awareness campaign by ensuring strategic broadcasting of content to the general public, in particular family, through digital and participative media (e.g. purchase of advertising space on social networks, viral challenge and press release).

We invite companies and persons wishing to tender to download the Terms of Reference at this link or, if they have expired, to request them from the e-mail addresses below.

Applications must be submitted to the French Red Cross before 02/11/2025 inclusive with the reference « PF_272_ABY_ABY_2025_0003 » » in the subject line :
● cc:

* Caribbean applications are strongly encouraged..