9 ways to take action within 24h of hurricane - Pirac

9 ways to take action within 24h of hurricane

Jun 29, 2022

It’s important to be prepared during the cyclone season. If a cyclone warning has been issued, you should take the following measures:

☑️ If necessary, replenish your emergency supplies (e.g. water, food, medicines, batteries, etc.).

☑️ Secure your home and remove heavy objects from your garden.

☑️ Make sure you have a safe place to shelter that will meet the specific needs of your household.

☑️ Charge your cell phone and external batteries

☑️ Listen to your local radio and follow the evolution of alerts (using a radio or mobile app)

☑️ Withdraw enough cash to cover usual weekly expenses

☑️ Help your neighbors to prepare, while respecting preventive measures COVID-19

☑️ If a member of your household is in quarantine, respect the barrier measures without excluding them.