Atlas: a mobile application to support Caribbean small and medium businesses to prepare for disasters - Pirac

Atlas: a mobile application to support Caribbean small and medium businesses to prepare for disasters

10 October 2022

As part of the READY Together program and the Business Preparedness Initiative, the PIRAC & the Global Disaster Preparedness Center launch the update of the Atlas mobile application for Caribbean Small and Medium Businesses. This application is free and aims to support them in preparing and responding to disaster risks. It was redesigned with new features and contents adapted to the Caribbean context & business owners needs. 

Caribbean small and medium businesses  facing climate change

Businesses are highly exposed to the risks of disasters in the Caribbean and the effects of climate change. The small businesses are particularly vulnerable, being not enough prepared in advance. They often struggle to recover quickly from a shock and any of them are forced to close down their business after a disaster when the impacts are too serious. However, small businesses are the majority and vital for the economy of the region: they create jobs and contribute to develop a stronger local economy, less dependent on imported goods. 

What is Atlas ?

The application “Atlas : Ready for Business”It is a mobile application for small and medium-sized businesses, which enable them, step by step, to develop their business continuity plan and to improve their crisis preparedness. The app is available worldwide on iOS and Android in 16 languages.

Through different modules, business owners can assess the risks, prepare their plan, and get guidance for their personal preparation and that of their employees. 

Atlas addresses five areas of preparedness:

  • Operational readiness
  • Leadership and risk culture
  • Networks and relationships
  • Readiness for change
  • People at work

The app includes interactive features, including a chat that assists the user on their journey, the ability for business owners to assign tasks to another employee, a user-friendly dashboard to track progress, and an automatically generated business continuity plan  that can be uploaded, stored in the cloud and shared with others during a disaster.

The business continuity plan is easily accessible on the user’s mobile device in the event of a disaster and can help businesses understand the steps needed to recover quickly, at a time when it can be difficult to think clearly.

PIRAC & GDPC deploys Atlas tool across the private sector 

2 webinars were organized for business support organizations & business owners in Guadeloupe, Martinique, Saint Lucia (the tree pilot territories of the initiative) and the project’s partner  to present the new features of the app in Septembre and October 2022.

This activity is conducted within the framework of the READY Together program, co-financed by INTERREG Caribbean, the French Development Agency (AFD) and the Guadeloupe Region.

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