Key figures of the announced forecasts
20 tropical storms
10 hurricanes (category 1 to 2)
5 major hurricanes (category 3 to 5)
Pourcentage de probabilité de l’impact d’un ouragan en 2022
- Îles du Nord 27%
- Guadeloupe 32%
- Martinique 21%
- Haïti 44%
Les températures moyennes de surface de l’eau dans certaines parties de l’Atlantique tropical et dans la majeure partie de l’Atlantique Nord sont beaucoup plus chaudes que la normale.
A conference to prepare for the hurricane season
- Tuesday, June 7, on “Tools and Approaches to Emergency Preparedness
- Wednesday 8 June, on “Partnerships between National Societies and governments in emergencies”.
This 2022 Conference is an opportunity to collectively learn from the emergency operations deployed in recent years by the National Red Cross Societies of the Americas Region, which have responded to a wide variety of disasters and crises (hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, floods, earthquakes, Covid-19, etc.)
Attention will also be paid to the complexity of the current context related to the exacerbated impact of the pandemic on the capacity and resilience of populations within the territories.
The virtual cyclone preparedness conference is a major opportunity to strengthen links and coordination within the International Red Cross Movement, alongside the hundreds of volunteers, partners and donors who will be participating: a way to better anticipate and prepare for future crises and in particular during the 2022 cyclone season.