10 climate change adaptation initiatives in the Caribbean highlighted - Pirac

10 climate change adaptation initiatives in the Caribbean highlighted

09 May 2023

Find out the awareness action “The climate is changing, and you?” from May 9, 2023 on several Caribbean media (TV, radio and social networks). It highlights 10 climate change adaptation initiatives carried out in Guadeloupe, Saint Lucia and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines by various local actors.

While the Caribbean region is subject to many natural hazards exacerbated by the effects of climate change, this broadcast aims to highlight the existing adaptation solutions implemented to fight against the effects and impacts of climate change. To this end, spots have been created and will be broadcasted on different media. This awareness action is the last phase of the regional campaign of the READY Together/3 Oceans program, funded by INTERREG Caribbean, the Guadeloupe Region and the French Development Agency.

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Converting a savannah into a creole garden

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Developing aquaponics in an urban environment

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Restoring the banks of the Lézarde River

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Developing a climate-smart farm

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Preserving the forest of Chatham Bay

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Eliminating a mosquito breeding site

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Restore mangroves at Ashton Lagoon

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Re-vegetating the banks of the “Fond” River

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Restore corals in Labrelotte Bay

Transformer une savane en jardin créole et en forêt comestible

Restore the mangrove of Anse La Raye

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